Amet Research & Analytics FZ LLC

Quantitative Research


Quantitative Research

Telephone, and F2F methodologies for quantifying the needs, preferences, and behaviours of B2B and B2C audiences. Quantitative research involves collecting and analysing numerical data. It is ideal for identifying trends and averages, making predictions, testing relationships, and generalizing results for large populations.

Online quantitative:

Online surveys (CAWI) among client lists e.g., customers, prospects - where there are suitable permissions and agreements in place to allow us to contact these people.

Offline quantitative:

Telephone interviews (CATI)

Face-to-face surveys (PAPI, CAPI), via pen & paper, tablet, mobile, store exits, in-street etc.

In hall tests - respondents assessing concepts and or products

We also undertake mixed methodology studies where qualitative and quantitative research approaches are combined within a single project – to enable us to take the results and recommendations much further.

Best practices to conduct quantitative research